Scripture: 2 Timothy
Scripture to Remember: 2 Timothy 1.13 - 18

Everyone needs a Paul. One who speaks life and leads you toward maturity.  Everyone needs a Timothy. One in which you invest life and lead toward maturity. 

1- Read & Think…. For the next three weeks, Read one chapter of 2 Timothy each day. Open a journal and Think… Ponder… Meditate. Turn the words over in your mind and heart; consider them from different angles and perspectives. Write down insights, truths, hopes, shifts, changes as you allow the Scripture to form Christ within. 

2- When have you been stumped.. baffled… let down?  What holds you together in these times? Paul teaches Timothy to ‘hold fast’ to healing words…healing truths….healing hope. How might you hold on to the pattern of life-giving truth?  What is your plan to deepen in His Word?

3- How would you express the pattern or outline of the gospel in three sentences? Perhaps, this Scripture (1 Corinthians 15.3-5) and this link ( may be of great help. Will you take steps to learn; to grow in; and to teach this pattern?

4- Who has blessed you by speaking life, seeking you out; speaking eternal hope to your soul and being a friend at all times?  This week, take the time reach out and to thank them. Who would describe you in that way? How can you be more intentional as an on-going gift of grace and blessing to those that God has placed in your path?

Hold on to the pattern of sound teaching that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit through the Holy Spirit who lives in us.  - 2 Timothy 1:13-14 (CSB)