Scripture: 2 Timothy
Scripture to Remember: 2 Timothy 2.1-13

Everyone needs a Paul, who guides you in the mysteries of God’s grace and goodness.  Everyone needs a Timothy, to whom you pass on the mysteries of His grace.

1- Read & Think…. Read one chapter of 2 Timothy each day. Open a journal and Think… Ponder… Meditate. Turn the words over in your heart and mind. Consider the abundance of truth in each chapter.  Write insights, truth about God, truth about yourself, needed change and hopes as you allow the Scripture to form Christ within.

2- Who is the hero of your story? If you are a follower of Christ, is He the hero of your day to day life? What is happening in your life that can only be explained by His presence? Paul suggests a few ways to assure that Jesus is your source of strength. He tells Timothy to abide in Jesus, day by day dependent upon the enabling grace that flows from a walk with Him.  Timothy, be inwardly strengthened by the grace that is in Christ. What are ways that you are inwardly strengthened by Jesus? Would you like to seek more of Him? Consider someone you see living a vibrant faith in Christ and ask them to teach you on why and how they live this way. 

3- Paul encourages Timothy to spend no time entangled in concerns of this world. Do you sense that followers of Jesus live more of a ‘peace time’ or luxury faith or ‘war-time’ purposed faith?  Will you pray for an urgency for the sake of the gospel?  Will you begin that prayer in your own heart and expand that pray throughout our Mandarin family?  What are the first 3 things that you need to adjust to disentangle from the concerns of this world? Start NOW!

4- If you are His child, Christ has given you a message of grace. This was given for your salvation and entrusted to you to pass on.  What are others hearing from you of this sacred trust of the gospel? Paul tells Timothy, take this message that you have heard and teach it to others?  Third, entrust or teach this, so that they may also pass this on to others?  You have been given a trust. You have been given a stewardship to pass that trust. God, in His grace, may give you the wonder of watching that trust multiply.  What will you do with this grace?  Who needs to hear what you have been taught? Will you tell them?

Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. - 2 Timothy 2.2