Scripture: 2 Timothy
Scripture to Remember: 2 Timothy 1.8-12

Every one needs a Paul and, everyone needs a Timothy

1- Read 2 Timothy this week. Read it through at least three times. Reading invites into His story and to feel at home in God’s economy. 

2- How might you ‘remember’ the gospel on a daily basis?  What do you learn, from verses 8-12 about faithful endurance in the gospel? Open your journal and list thoughts and truths, then share them with friends and family.

3- Pastor Mark talked about the posture of the church.  Followers of Jesus run into the broken parts of this world, as others tend to run away. In Acts 19, Paul is in the midst of a riot and holds the gospel as his hope and his posture is to ‘let me in’.  When is a time that you have seen hurt in this world and moved toward ‘let me in’? What is a burden that God has made you aware of today? Are you asking Got to give you a path to  ‘let me in’ posture? Why is it of first importance that the gospel of Christ lead the way?

4- Paul is ‘persuaded’ that God is able and that persuasion compels him to make much of Jesus. From 2 Timothy 1, what would you say persuades Paul? What are you persuaded about in your faith and how do those truths shape your daily life?

I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to guard what has been entrusted me until that day. - 2 Timothy 1.12