We often take for granted that the algorithms we have in our applications that help us crunch and analyze data are without any bias.  As if they were constructed in a vacuum.  The reality is much different. In this podcast, recorded a few years ago when we were releasing our book, "The New Marketing Analytics", Dave provides a high-level overview of how managers at all levels need to be aware of potential bias.  People still develop the programming needed to run any kind of algorithm - and that means that there's always the possibility data analysis being skewed because of it.  Not to say that its rampant but - every manager worth their salt need to ask about how bias has been considered and evaluated in any applications they might be thinking of purchasing.  

Co-author of "The New Marketing Analytics" David Dirks discusses his observations & insights on data & managerial analytics in his short podcast sessions.  You can reach him at:

[email protected]