How much of your definition of “what it means to be a man” was consciously chosen by you?


Most men drift through life absorbing the antiquated definitions of masculinity given to him by media, Hollywood, porn, sports, parents, friends…


…anyone and everyone but himself.  


When a man has not defined what it means to be a man, he:

He does not know what he stands for He gets pushed around by others’ definitions of masculinity He cannot be fully trusted, because he does not trust himself


In today’s The Great Man Within podcast episode, we kickstart an ongoing exploration into the journey of defining “what it means to be a man,” on your own terms.


I pose three questions:


What is the definition of “The Patriarchy,” and how is that different than “masculinity?” What are the key characteristics of “boy psychology?” What are the key characteristics of “man psychology?”


I leverage the wisdom of Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette’s King, Warrior, Magician, Lover to guide us in this discussion.