#117: Whether you know it or not, you wear your inner emotions on your face.

And our guest today, Dan Hill, is an expert at translating your facial expressions.

He’s a pioneer in the growing field of what’s called “facial coding.”

He’s written 8 books on the power of emotions, including Famous Faces Decoded, where Dan breaks down the emotions on the faces of 175 celebrities, CEOs, athletes and US Presidents.

Bill Gates #1 facial emotion? Contempt.
Barack Obama’s #1 facial emotion? Joy.
Donald Trump’s #1 facial emotion? Sadness.

As we’ve spoken about many times on this show, a Great Man develops emotional fluency:

The ability to feel an emotion, name an emotion, be with that emotion, and express the emotion.

Another critical step on that journey is to be attuned to the emotional expressions of others – an essential ingredient to refining your leadership and forging deeper relationships.

In Today’s Episode

The 7 core emotions we display on our faces The #1 emotional facial indicator of a high-performing CEO and athlete The #1 emotional facial indicator of whether a marriage will fail The 3 most prevalent emotions on Donald Trump’s face The #1 emotion on Obama’s face before his campaign…and the two emotions that emerged deep on his campaign trail The 4 levels of happiness How we as men can leverage our natural born ability as visual creatures to train our attention to detect micro expressions of emotions on other people’s faces

Who is Dan Hill

Dan Hill is PhD, author, speaker, trainer and expert in the arena of reading emotions and decoding facial expressions He’s consulted over 50% of the world’s top 100 B2C companies He’s been on Good Morning America, The Today Show, Fox, CNN and ESPN He’s spoken in over 25 countries and been featured in Time, WSJ and on the front page of the NY Times