#61: There are 3 types of people in your life, and only 1 of them pushes you to be better.

You’ve heard the adage:

You are the average of the 5 people you spend most time with.

Let’s do a riff on that.

Think of the people you spend the most time with in these contexts:

Work Family Socially Which Version of You Do the People in Your Life Relate to? The “Then” Version of You: These are the people who cling to an antiquated version of you. They themselves are likely stuck in the past and don’t want to acknowledge who you’ve become. Your progress is threatening to them because they fear you leaving them behind. The “Now” Version of You: These are the people who see you as you are today – your current job, skill sets, marital status, financial status, physical appearance, etc. They are supportive of this version of you. They may even encourage your progress, as long as it’s not too big, bold or dramatic. Too much change too quickly scares them, for fear of losing the version of you they wish to cling to. In my experience, up to 95% of the people in your life can fall into this category. The “Highest” Version of You: That rare breed of person who sees past your present-day greatness and limitations and only speaks to the most elevated version of who you are, and who you can become.
What Type of People Do You Surround Yourself With Most?

I reckon our biggest impediment to progress is the percentage of #2’s we carry around (so true on so many levels…).

While the #2’s are well-intentioned, and their support feels comforting…when they become the predominant influence in your life, they can anchor you to your present state. The size and speed of your progress is hindered.

Therefore, your growth is directly correlated to the percentage of people in your life that speak to the Highest Self version of you.

These are the people who stand tall for you even when you’re unwilling to do so for yourself.

They are the ones who call you on your BS.

They are the ones who push you beyond what you believe is possible.

It’s because they see YOU.

Not who you were, not who you are now, but YOU.

I Challenge You….

Challenge #1: I challenge you to listen to this short (under 20 minutes) podcast today on The 3 Types of People in Your Life.

Challenge #2: I challenge you to make contact with a #3 person today, and tell them how much you appreciate how they call you forward in life.

Challenge #3: I challenge you to find and forge a relationship with a new #3.

Your Highest Self Awaits.