#60: Every Great Man constantly refines his skills as a leader.

You know what its like to be responsible for leading others who just don’t seem to have the same sense of urgency as you, the same drive or ability to execute and it can be frustrating…

So you pick up the slack by taking more and more on your shoulders, but eventually you bump up against a ceiling.

You exhaust yourself.
You lose balance in your life.
You’re investing exponentially more effort for only incrementally better results.

I’ve been there before, it sucks, and the math simply doesn’t work.

This is where refining and stepping into a new level of Leadership is required.

What if I told you it’s absolutely possible to inspire new levels of urgency, commitment and execution in the people you lead…

…by understanding and implementing two very simple leadership principles that we’re going to dive deep into on the podcast today.

One of these leadership principles will unlock the psychological factors that cause your teams to double down on their engagement and discretionary effort.

The other leadership principle highlights the #1 reason why people will resist your leadership efforts, and how to overcome it.

These principles are excerpts from the second book I’m writing, which is called: On Purpose Leadership: A Man’s Guide to Finding Meaning Through Leading Himself and Others.

What I want you to do as you listen to this episode is write down these two principles, post them in a visible place and read them to yourself before every meeting you have with the people you lead.

If you do this, I promise that over time, you will spark a new fire within them and in return you will receive a heightened level of trust that have in your leadership.