
“It is easier to sail many thousands of miles through cold and storm and cannibals…than it is to explore the private sea, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans of one’s being alone.”

Henry David Thoreau, Walden



Henry David Thoreau wrote these words during his 2 year and 2 months of solitude living an isolated cabin in Walden, Massachusetts.


I reckon* our last 2 months enables us to more deeply appreciate what HDT means by this.


Back when things were “normal,” one of the chief complaints I heard was being life being “too busy.”


Now, it’s not stimulating enough.


It seems that no matter the conditions…


…we’re always somewhat discontent.


I know this feeling quite well.

Although not as well as I used to.


These last 5 years I’ve cultivated a deep practice of solitude:


The art of finding peace, contentment and joy through being with one’s self.


These last 8 weeks have brought deep pain to my heart for those who have lost tremendously.


This time has also brought me a welcome opportunity to get to know myself better at the deepest of levels.


For the first time in my life, I can tell you…


…I am deeply proud of who I see.


And just as importantly…


…I finally enjoy hanging out with just me.


I want that for you too.


Doing the inner work…will make that inevitable.


Let’s walk that path together.




*shout out to my Aussie readers