
Many men, myself included, learn to stop feeling our emotions at an early age.

So what happens?

We subsequently build an over-dependence on our minds.


And our minds can get LOUD, can’t they?

So loud sometimes you can’t hear anything else – like your instinct, intuition or even your heart. Especially your heart.

Your mind can start to feel like a bunch of wild horses pulling you in a million different directions, leaving you bruised, battered, exhausted…

…and perhaps worst of all, feeling controlled by your mind, versus you being in command of it.

Can you relate to that on any level?

Napoleon Hill, who’s one of my heroes, wrote volumes on the necessity of training your mind and directing your thoughts to create a life you’re thrilled to live.

Training your mind takes practice…it doesn’t happen on its own.

A Great Man makes that commitment to training his mind, so he can build a life he loves.

So today, we’re diving into a mindfulness discussion specifically focused on men, with one of my most trusted meditation advisors – and friends – Mark Melvin.

Who Is Mark Melvin

Mark is a corporate attorney by trade and a yoga, meditation and breathwork instructor at heart He’s also a Masters student in Clinical Mental Health Studies He found yoga and meditation after he grew tired of binge drinking, isolating and feeling uncomfortable in intimate relationships Mark is one of the anchors in the Great Man Mastermind, and he’s our resident expert when it comes to all things mindfulness

In This Episode

Mark breaks down the common resistance points men have to meditating Why and how we become indentured servants to our minds How meditation is essential in helping you create a new future “One of the most important assets you can have in life today is the ability to focus your mental energy.” Why “working out” is not your meditation A mindfulness practice for business 2 breathwork practices for focus and destressing


Mark’s Contact:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markamelvin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/markamelvin
Email: [email protected]

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