
It takes balls to be the first man to step away from your group of friends (or family) to embark upon the inner work journey.


As a leader of men, I have a bird’s eye view of how men take their first steps on the path of inner work.


For the majority of us, step #1 is mounting the courage to break from your existing social structures, as most of your friends or family won’t understand.


This takes courage.


You’re breaking an unspoken contract that you have in place with them about “how we operate.”


When you break that contract, you will meet resistance:


You’ve found a calling to demand more for yourself…and they’re happy preserving the status quo.


You’re questioning everything you’ve been taught…and they don’t seem to see the point.


You’re stepping off the beaten path…and they try to pull you back in the box.


They aren’t bad people because of this.


Hell, you’re the one breaking the contract and shaking up their sense of equilibrium.

Don’t be surprised if they resist and try to pull you back, it comes with the territory.


Think of it as a rite of passage.


If you expect inner work to be easy, then you’re traveling the wrong path, my friend.


In the long run, overcoming this resistance will make you stronger.


Don’t worry, there will come a time to head back and invite those you left behind to adventure with you.


Some will join you. Others won’t.


It’s your job to respect these people and their choices.


After all, you were once one of them, and they helped bring you to this point.


And now, I tip my cap to you.


The man who found the courage to liberate himself.