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In the book King, Warrior, Magician, Lover, authors and Jungian Psychologists Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette expose a masculine problem of epic proportions.

“Where are the initiated men of power today?”

“We need to take very seriously the disappearance of ritual processes for initiating boys into manhood.

In the case of men, there are many who either had no initiation into manhood or who had pseudo-initiations that failed to evoke the needed transition into adulthood.

Therefore, we get the dominance of Boy psychology.

Boy psychology is everywhere around us, and its markers are easy to see. Among them are abusive and acting out behaviors against others, both men and women; passivity and weakness, the inability to act effectively and creatively in one’s own life.

Because there is little or no ritual process in our society capable of boosting us from Boy psychology to Man psychology, we each must go on our own (with each other’s help and support) to the deep sources of masculine energy potentials that lie within us all.”

If you think about it, our initiation rituals into adulthood look something like a driver’s license at 16/17 and the ability to drink at age 21.

These legal allowances do little to nothing in preparing boys for the responsibilities of adulthood.

That’s why we’ve got so many little boys running around in men’s bodies, fucking up relationships, businesses and governments.

This is one of the reasons why The Great Man Within community exists – to create the masculine rituals and rights of passages that we missed at the most pivotal times of our lives, so we can step more fully into our masculine potentials.

Today we’re joined by an inspiring brother who, like me, found his calling to leave the corporate world and establish a community for men who want to do this work.

His name, is Voy Wiancek, and he is the founder of Modern Renassance Man.

Modern Renaissance Man is a community that empowers the modern man with the brotherhood and resources needed to lead with truth, integrity and style.

I learned about Voy through one of the men in our community, Colin Bye, and I’ve since joined MRM which has a $35/month membership fee.

I’ve had my first chance to attend one of their meetings, and this group of guys are passionate, energetic, committed to the work…and diverse.

If you’ve been seeking a community with a strong representation of men of color, MRM has got it going on.

In This Episode

What a right of passage is, and why it’s essential for unearthing your masculine potential Voy’s right of passage experience that took him into the desert, all alone, with no food or shelter for 4 days Examples of masculine rituals – like Voy’s “Sacred Six” morning ritual – that cultivate your masculine power, presence and leadership Rituals you can use in group settings in work or men’s gatherings to create deep spaces for connection and exploration


Modern Renaissance Man Website: https://themrmofficial.com
Voy on Instagram: Voy_Official