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If you want to attract strong masculine leaders into your life, then one of the most powerful practices I can offer is journaling about the traits and characteristics you seek.


In a recent journaling session, I identified 5 traits of strong masculine leaders that I seek to surround myself with.


Here’s how I wrote them out in my journal:


I might hire a man who spends the first 20 minutes of his day in his inbox. But I would follow a man who spends the first 20 minutes of his day doing inner work.


The man who lets me get away with my bullshit might be easy to hang out with. But the man who calls me on my bullshit is the man I want to be in the foxhole with.


The well-read man carries information…but the well-practiced man carries wisdom.


I have compassion for the man who lives his life bouncing from one cell phone notification to another…but I have admiration for the man who sets a vision for his life and vigilantly defends his time and focus to ensure its execution.


I trust the man who surrounds himself with other men who tell him the truth about how he’s showing up in his life.