#87: Over the last two weeks, I’ve delivered webinars to about 500 people.


I’ve asked one question:


“What’s the one word that best describes how you’re feeling right now?”


About 8-9 responses out of 10 express a negative sentiment.

As a leader, your clients, colleagues and loved ones are looking to you to help guide them to higher ground.


To lead others to higher ground, you yourself must be there already – or at least en route.


Great leaders adapt to new, uncertain and crisis situations first.


Then they lead others to higher ground.


Today, we’re using the Kubler-Ross model of “The Stages of Grief” to help bring clarity to where you – and your clients, colleagues and loved ones – are with respect to adapting to the new normal.



In this episode:


Why – and how – Great Leaders adapt first Why denying the “new normal” will keep you stuck in a place of resistance and pain Understanding the 7 stages of grief – based on the Kubler-Ross Model Identifying where you are in the 7 stages (as well as those you lead) How releasing resistance will help you accelerate through the 7 stages, ultimately arriving in acceptance