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One thing I’ve learned as I’ve played bigger games in my life:

Is that the failures get bigger.

I think that would only make sense, right?

But as I continue to fail, I’ve also learned to fear failure less.

Which means, I go after 100% of what I want more and more often…and the victories get bigger.

Now in our masterminds, I see men at earlier stages of their inner work journey, where fear of failure is still a major inhibitor for going after 100% of what they want in their life.

One of the most common themes among men who join our masterminds is this experience of feeling life is good…but not great. They have this deeper sense of knowing that they’re standing on the sidelines of the real games they want to be playing, but are too afraid of the consequences of failing in their pursuit.

So in this episode, Bryan and I are going to take a deeper dive into the fear forces that keep you stuck and paralyzed from going after 100% of what you want. 

In this episode:

Bryan and I are going to share 4 of our Greatest Life lessons from failing big What the Stoics, Napoleon Hill and of course Walter White have to say about failure Why an ego shattered by failure is a beautifully liberating moment Why having a brotherhood allows you to fail bigger (and ultimately, win bigger)

The 4 Life Lessons

#1. Failure gives you the experience that you can get back up.

#2. Failure will either strengthen or shatter your ego.

#3. Failing hurts a lot less when you’re in integrity

#4. Brotherhood allows you to fail bigger.