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I see so many men working on themselves, trying so hard to get that thing they want out of life – finding their purpose, starting their own business, learning to love their body, finding romantic love – and routinely falling short of getting what they desire.

It's rarely due to a lack of trying.

It's certainly not due to a lack of thinking.

It's due to lack of awareness of the wounds they’ve endured much earlier in life that caused a shut down of essential parts of their inner world. 

Think of it as trying to drive cross country when every major freeway and interstate is barricaded. Its really hard to get where you’re trying to go.

In this episode, we’re going to be exploring 3 common masculine wounds that serve as the barricades to you getting where you want to go. 

And by exploring them, and ultimately removing them, you’ll be in the fast lane to your destination. 

The 3 Common Masculine Wounds:

Your emotions weren’t welcome Your differences weren’t accepted You were taught to abandon your inner compass