
In David Allen’s acclaimed book on Productivity – Getting Things Done – he outlines three reasons why big goals fail:

#1. Too much distraction at the day to day level to allow for appropriate focus on the higher goals

#2. Ineffective personal organizational systems

#3. Overwhelmed by “to-do’s” that are out of alignment with our values

Today, I’ll be outlining a simple exercise that will help you eliminate these three saboteurs of success.

I ran the men of The Great Man Mastermind through this exercise three weeks ago.

One of our members, Nick Rago, joins me on today’s episode to share with you the profound awareness-es and simple changes he made after this exercise that have led to better sleep, a better relationship with his kids and knocking out a goal he’d been postponing for months.

In this episode:

How to identify your special brand of how you complicate your life A step by step process for uncomplicating those parts of your life – in the areas of time, vices or anything that prevents you from living your Great Man A downloadable template of this exercise at DoInnerWork.com/resources


I was, I am, I will be template: www.DoInnerWork.com/resources

Nick Rago on Instagram: @TheNickXperience

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