
There are 83 days left in 2020.

How you finish this year will set the tone for the 365 days of 2021.

I know this year has taken a toll on you.

You may feel the temptation to throw away this year (let’s pretend it never happened!)

But that would be a mistake, and you know it.

He who limps to the finish line of one race, does not sprint out of the starting blocks of the next one.

How you finish this year matters.


That’s why the 6 Week Purpose and Productivity Course for men (which is free, btw) has become so popular: https://www.doinnerwork.com/resources

On Wednedsay, Oct 7th, 100+ men from around the world showed up live (with another 80 watching the replay) to work on their purpose and best selves.

Men between the ages of 21 and 66…

From all over the world…

With incredibly diverse work backgrounds…

…all came together to share one common goal: To live their Purpose and best selves.

You should join us. It’s not too late: https://www.doinnerwork.com/resources


PS – Join 200+ men doing inner work in our Facebook Group for men: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheGreatManWithin