#129: In my last 5 years of doing deep inner work with other men, it’s become painfully obvious to me how men go about the most important parts of our lives…on our own.

Grappling with existential questions about finding calling and living Purpose. Feeling stuck in a life that’s not inspiring but not knowing what to do about it. Navigating the shame that comes with secretive compulsive behaviors. Complicated challenges within romantic relationships and the sex life.

There’s an extraordinary opportunity to find support, guidance and inspiration within your group of male friends…

…if you’re willing to summon the courage to bring a new level of depth to these friendships.

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself about the quality and depth of your male friendships:

Is your primary form of connection with other men limited to business, sports and activities that revolve around alcohol? Do you have behaviors, stories from your past or secrets that you keep hidden from your friends (for fear of them looking at you differently?) Do you have friends who truly listen to you when you have an issue…or are you surrounded by a bunch of advice-giving machines? Do you have desires that you fear expressing to your group of friends because you’ll be ridiculed? Do you have friends who regularly speak to your best self and call you forward to a higher standard?

In this Episode:

The 4 primary forms of connection for most men (I call these the 4 B’s) 3 myths that prevent the forging and deepening of male friendships 5 questions to ask yourself about the quality and present-day depth of your male relationships 3 ways you can lead your friends to forge a deeper bond with one another