Keith Norris is the Founder and Owner of the Paleo F(x), a conference that not only focuses on the Paleo diet, but also on your physical health as well. The conference has been running consecutively for 8 years and it has grown substantially since its first event. On the show, Keith discusses the importance of setting a vision and being okay with the fact that it will change, and how he and his wife were able to prevail through hardship and achieve their dreams when it was so easy to make the excuse not to.


Key Insights & Aha Moments:

*Check out Keith’s event, Paleo F(x), which will be going down April 27-29th!

*How did Keith get started in this space?

*Keith and his wife both left corporate around the same time and they set clear intentions for what they wanted their life to look like in the future.

*There were so many things happening around Keith and his wife’s life where they could have easily made an excuse not to pursue their passion but they stuck with it and kept pushing forward.

*How did Keith find the strength to keep going on when his daughter passed away?

*Keith knew he wasn’t crazy. He was passionate.

*You can’t surf on a flat sea.

*It’s important to have vision but keep in mind that your vision is going to change over time, too.

*There are no easy decisions in entrepreneurship.

*How much of a role does gratitude play in Keith's life?

*Did Keith experience any bumps along the way when he launched Paleo F(x)?

*What kind of topics does the Paleo F(x) conference cover?


Mentioned in This Episode: