While I was on vacation, some fears were coming up inside me that I simply could not ignore. What’s the next step for me and my business? I kind of have an idea, but at the same time, I’m not 100% sure. I believe fear has really been the root cause as to what’s been holding me back to get to the next level. Having fears is extremely normal and it happens at all business levels, so what can you do about it?


Key Insights & Aha Moments:

*This episode is all about fear. It’s been on my mind a lot lately.

*I just got back from my vacation in Costa Rica!

*Kevin Breeding wrote a post and it really stuck with me while I was on vacation.

*Do you fear you’re going to be a failure?

*Do you fear you’re going to be successful?

*Are you not fully committed to your practice?

*I am struggling with all three of these things.

*What’s the next step for me? I don’t really know.

*What’s holding me back from getting to the next level?

*These fears will not go away. You’re not alone.

*What’s really holding you back is what’s inside of you, not what’s happening on the outside.

*So, what do you do about this?

*I see that you’re not fully committed to your dream. What needs to happen here is you need to begin to change your mindset.


Mentioned in This Episode:


Annmarie Gianni products


“Building the Entrepreneur’s Mindset Up | Kevin Breeding | MTM089”

“Re-Enroll in Your Dream | Gloria Banks | MTM123”