This week’s podcast is going to be a bit different. I don’t have a guest for you today, but I do have some classic Michelle wisdom to lay down on you! I’ve learned a lot from 2016, but most importantly, I’ve seen some patterns from my inner circle members, and if they’re struggling with this, there’s a good chance so are you! On this podcast, I discusses the top three things I've learned from working with you, and how you can fix the problems you're currently having.


Key Insights & Aha Moments:

*I had a great year in 2016. I’ve also gotten the chance to work with a lot more of you! Over 200, in fact.

*Having some sort of niche or target market is an important aspect of your business.

*Hone in on a specific audience! You can’t serve everybody.

*Are you self-sabotaging yourself?

*You might have to really look deep, and ask yourself why you’re afraid.

*I have a client who has struggled for years with who her target audience is!

*Don’t let fear hold you back from doing something amazing.

*Show up, don’t throw up. And do it consistently!

*Commit to your audience for three months.

*So many of my clients had lack of focus.

*Sometimes, you just don’t know what you don’t know.

*There is no magic. There is no secret. There is just consistency.

*When my clients get extremely focused and extremely clear, they triple their business.

*Want to see the fruits of your reward? Then you have to get visible!

*I know it seems scary, but you have to trust me on this. You’re not showing up in a big enough way.

*Before we wrap up: Grab the “You Don’t Suck” worksheet, and if this message resonates with you, sign up to the Maven Inner Circle!


Mentioned in This Episode:

Maven Inner Circle

Making The Maven Community on Facebook