My clients have told me that they love the fact I built a local business. I understand the great lengths you have to go to in order to make it successful. Everything from being a leader, an expert, in your community, how to leverage your network, and so much more! My clients also love the fact that I know how to navigate this sometimes very cluttered online space too.

At the end of the day, you still need to get really clear on what you want, why you want it, and you need to get really clear on the type of business that’s going to meet your lifestyle. What does success look like for you? What makes you special, unique, and different? And who do you serve, who’s your target audience? Sometimes, these can be very hard questions to answer.

However, once you’re able to redirect your focus and answer these critical questions, you WILL see your business move to fantastic places. Those are the foundations of a very successful business. When you’re able to successfully do all these things, you will see results. It doesn’t matter if you just have a local practice, these foundational principles apply across the board.

With that being said, it’s always easier to get the deal and close those first few clients locally. Why? Because at the end of the day, we’re looking to build relationships. That takes time when you’re online, just because we don’t always have all the ‘pieces’ there. People can’t always see our personality shine through via an online platform. But in person? Bam! It’s easy for people to know what kind of values and principles you have, when speaking one-on-one, live, in person.

So, when you’re starting out, reach for the low-hanging fruit, and speak with people in your local community. You can build trust a lot faster, and see the kind of results you want to see with your business. Really work your local network! If you’re not already doing this, then you’re missing a huge, huge opportunity!