I have four key elements for you today. You can use these four action tactics to implement into your calendar, week in and week out. These tips are not sexy, I know, but they are oh-so-necessary.  I know you’re struggling, but believe me these tactics work, as I recently helped a client with this! Ready? Okay! Let’s go.


Tip 1: Time for you.

I don’t see this enough with my clients. You’re too busy working, and struggling, and not putting yourself first. Take care of yourself, because if you don’t, no one will!


Tip 2: Pick your office hours.

One of my clients allowed for her clients to call her at anytime of the day. Exhausting! You have to set some boundaries, or else you’ll go crazy. Sit down and figure out what’s best for you, and let your clients know your schedule.


Tip 3: Schedule time to work on your business.

Schedule time to handle the knick-knacks and miscellaneous things in your business. Everyone has their set of daily operations, but it’s those administrative tasks that you can’t ignore. Whether it be getting your receipts in a row, insurance billing, etc! It’s not fun, but it’s necessary. It can definitely pile up quickly, if you’re not paying attention!


Tip 4: Block time to work on the bigger picture.

Okay, once you’ve scheduled time for the day-to-day tasks, you also want to be sure you have enough time for the big-picture tasks. These aren’t going to happen overnight, but it won’t get done, if you don’t focus on it, either. Don’t let this slip by, because time can definitely creep up, and you’ll be left wondering what you’ve been doing all this time.