Amy Selbach is a powerhouse full of energy. She is an adventure seeker, traveler, and the founder of Taut Body studio, located in Kenya. Amy started her business just as a side hobby, but it has steadily grown into something amazing. Amy talks about what it’s like running a business overseas, especially when she, personally, is located in California. She also discusses how she combines online strategies to keep her brick & mortar clients engaged, even if they’ve never stepped foot in her studio!


Key Insights & Aha Moments:

*Be sure to grab the “You Don’t Suck” worksheet!

*Amy has had 20 years’ background in marketing and brand strategy.

*In Amy’s case, she said no, and the universe opened the right door for her.

*Why did Amy decide to start a fitness studio in Kenya?

*Amy tested this concept in her garage first. When she saw that it would work, she opened a studio.

*Amy is an adventure seeker, but when it comes to her money, she’s very, very conservative.

*Risk tolerance is just a muscle! Work those muscles and they’ll get bigger overtime.

*So many business owners don’t think of themselves as a leader in their community, but that’s what you’ve signed up for!

*Brick & mortar business tend to just want to push product, but Amy approached it differently.

*When you have bouts of courage, be sure to use that energy wisely and take action!

*What kind of challenges has Amy experienced?

*Amy knows her family is not going to be in Kenya, so it’s been a bit difficult managing her business overseas.

*What is Amy working on right now?

*Set boundaries for yourself.


Maven Moment:

Let’s talk about acting before you’re ready. Okay, I’m going to be honest with you. There’s really never a perfect time, there’s never really a perfect ‘ready.’ It’s either too early or too late. Acting before you're ready is a critical element to being a successful business. I can confidently tell you, just from my personal experience, I was never truly ‘ready,’ but I jumped into it anyway! If you’re feeling a bit uncomfortable, then that’s a very good sign.


Mentioned in This Episode:

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