If you’re struggling to be visible for you and your business; if you’re not crystal clear on why people want to pay you money to come see you, or even if you don’t know what makes you, well, you! Then you have to grab the, ‘You Don’t Suck’ worksheet!

Okay, so why am I so passionate about helping my clients build businesses? Because I’ve been there, and I remember wishing I had a supportive community along the way holding my hand. Instead, I had to do it (somewhat) alone and make all those ugly mistakes with it. Thankfully you don’t have to go through what I went through because of communities like Making the Maven.

I can tell you, I would look at other people’s success and compare myself to them. This was so, so wrong, because everyone walks a different path to get to where they want to go, right? So, comparing yourself to those super successful entrepreneurs might just get you discouraged. We often see the end result, not the ‘messiness’ of it all.

Don’t let others influence you into thinking what your ideal business is. As so many of my guests have said in the past, design your business with your lifestyle in mind. You are the only person who knows best for what you want!