Adria DeCorte helps entrepreneurs to stop spinning their wheels and to hustle smarter, not harder. With Adria's help, her clients take a moment to slow down so that they can make a bigger impact by asking themselves the right questions and bring more clarity to their message. She brings up a very interesting point that there are actually two levels of alignment entrepreneurs have to look at, not just one. You can be aligned with who you are and what your message is, but you might not necessarily be aligned with the clients you are working with or providing services to. I know her wisdom will resonate with quite a few of my listeners, so make sure to listen in for more!


Key Insights & Aha Moments:

*What does Adria do? She helps entrepreneurs redefine their hustle and find visibility in the clouds.

*Adria was working 80 hours a week and she simply stopped taking care of herself.

*Despite appearing on TEDx and having her own podcast, Adria still didn't feel like she was successful.

*There are two levels of alignment that you need―being aligned with what you do/who you are and being aligned with the actual work you do for your clients.

*Adria started out in the architecture field. What she is currently doing now is her third career shift.

*What kind of challenges has Adria faced? The biggest one was Adria's perfectionism.

*Have the constant evolution and transitions Adria has gone through slowed her down in any way?

*Adria contributes parts of her success to being clear on her message as well as being able to communicate her message to the world.

*People are often stuck in their business because they don't know what to say. They don't know what to say because they're not clear!

*Don't wait till you're ready!

*How do you take action when you're frozen in fear?

*If you don't step into an uncomfortable place, your message will not be able to get out there.

*Stay tuned to the end! I share a personal story about getting uncomfortable.


Maven Moment:

Before we wrap up this episode, I wanted to share a personal story that will hopefully inspire you to get out of your comfort zone. Towards the end of the show, Adria was talking about being so, so shy that she didn't even want to walk down the aisle of her own wedding because she was afraid that people would look at her. This is such a great story because if you look at Adria now, who has spoken on the stage of TEDx, you can see that she has obviously overcome that fear! Listen to the end of the interview to hear my personal story about breaking out and getting uncomfortable.


Mentioned in This Episode:

Maven Inner Circle

Making The Maven on Facebook


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