Good day Mavens!! Shout out to Jane for inspiring this topic. This Maven Mini is for all those introverts out there who do not love networking. How can you be a great business owner, marketer, and networker if you're introverted? Believe it or not, I am an introvert! I'll be sharing some of the best tips that worked for me at these often times scary and overwhelming events in this Maven Mini episode!

Alright, let's jump in!

1) Tip number one is to host your own party. I'm much more excited and engaged when I'm hosting my own Facebook group instead of showing up and trying to participate in others' groups. I also hosted my own networking events at my clinic. I feel much more comfortable throwing the party than attending the party.

2) Understand what your prime time is. Networking events take place at all hours of the day, so what's the best time for you to get out there? I know I'm not a morning person, so I’d rather not get out of my comfort zone before noon.

3) Pick events that fit you. It's not about trying to shove that square peg into a round hole. When you're able to go to an event that actually interests you, you're removing another objection in your head as to why you shouldn't/can't/won't go. Maybe you'll have more fun at a book club than a huge international meet & greet conference. Pick what fits best!

4) Prepare. Sounds silly? It's not. There's so much anxiety for some us to really leave the house that preparing a little bit before you go will help ease some of that tension. Have one to three questions already prepared to ask people at these networking events. It will help you break the ice and get you into the conversation a lot easier.

5) Set a goal. If you set a goal for yourself, you're going to feel so much better because you'll be able to take the pressure off. What do I mean? Well, it can be nerve wrecking to walk into a busy networking conference and see huge crowds of people there. If you have a goal in the back of your head to connect with just one person authentically, it will ease you into the environment and you won't feel as overwhelmed.

6) Be yourself!!!


I hope these tips and tricks help you, and feel free to message me on how it all worked out! Also, once you've done all these things, be sure to follow-up, as that's the most important process.

One last thing before I go, if you're interested, I wrote a blog post called 54 Ideas For Where To Network that you can check out to help you get a bit more inspired. Talk to you next week everyone!