I know so many of you are working so hard on getting your content out there and I know you guys are so focused on developing your course, program, or coaching package that the sexy 'launch process' can become so, so terrifying. After you've finished creating all of your product's materials, how can you create a fabulous launch? Well, today's Maven Mini dives right into that!

Well, first and foremost, if you're not making consistent money in your business and you're still working on some of the basic things like building your email list, putting content out there, and developing a following, then you're not going to have a very successful product launch. If you're still in this stage of your business, you need to re-focus on those basic things first. I honestly don't even recommend spending your time on a product launch at this point in your biz.

If you don't have the sales and marketing down in your business, then you shouldn't be using advance business tactics. It's like building a house on a faulty foundation!

However! If you do have an audience and you have built a strong foundation for your business, then yes! Do a launch. Below are some of my behind-the-scenes tips on creating a successful product launch.

Okay. It first starts with planning. Eight weeks out, I set my launch date. I made sure my entire schedule was cleared for the first month, the first four weeks. I still had coaching clients, but I did not take on any new clients/products during this time. This time was spent doing market research (pricing, packaging, etc) and setting my goals for the launch.

When I had five weeks left until my launch date, I begin setting up an email marketing campaign for my already established readers. I do most of the techy stuff, like setting up the landing page and focusing on social media promotion packages, at around this time too.

Four weeks left, I push out the promotions that I had been working on all of last week. I send out blog posts and social media teasers about the product I'm launching. It is basically a four week campaign of pure product promotion.

Three weeks left, I worked on the sales page and identified who I could give free access to. For things like the inner circle or membership groups, I wanted to get people in early to test drive everything. I paid close attention to their feedback here and worked on improvements.

Two weeks out, promotions are still going on! I'm still showing up on social media channels and groups. I'm still talking about the product. I develop testimonials from the early birds who tried it. I add in an FAQ. I keep promoting!!

One week out, still not much different. Lots of promotions here. I do a webinar right before the launch of my big product to get people even more interested.

Two days left, I begin to personally invite people to learn more. A personal invitation is like the bow on top. I really believe it makes a huge difference. Also, do your final checks on this day too to make sure everything is looking good!

Day of launch, I do a webinar on the product, a huge, huge push to my list, and bam! You're done!