In this episode, we are going to talk about what type of person you are. Are you someone who is evolving or someone who is at a stagnant, stand-still? Let’s dive into this today, together!

In today’s episode, we talk about:

There are two types of people. People who are just okay with where they are, with no real desire to grow or change. And then there are people who want to evolve. Check out this Instagram reel about this that I posted this week.Are you always evolving? Are you willing to grow and change into a beautiful butterfly?I’m never ok with where I am. Meaning… I want to be a different person in 10 years. I want to be a better version of myself.I look at who I was 10, 15, and 20 years ago, and I am so happy with who I am now. I am proud of the change. Why do you want to evolve? Why is it not okay to just be ‘okay’? The danger in it is that we become lazy when we are just fine with being ‘okay’. When you choose to stay in that comfort zone, I feel like that’s not bettering yourself or your future self. Getting scared is not the same thing as staying stagnant. It is normal to feel fear, but you know what, you will not be the same person after you have taken that leap of faith.When you choose to level up, there is going to be some pushback because our comfort zone doesn’t want you to grow. There will always be a moment of doubt after you take the leap.Failures are not really failures. It is all about how you view things.When excuses are presented, it's a scarcity mindset. You want a growth mindset!When you fall into that self-talk of “I’m ok. Sure I want more, but I’m good”, I really want you to challenge yourself and choose to be someone who wants to evolve. I’m going to challenge you on why you can’t take the leap!If you’re scared, you are being honest, and we can work with that! If you are using excuses, that is you being stuck. If you don’t have the desire to grow, be okay with it. Don’t complain you aren’t making enough money, or aren’t finding time to spend time with family. DO something about it! So friends, who is the person you want to be?

Hang out with me more!
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