Making the Leap – The Key Ingredient You’re Missing in Your Business

In this week's episode of Making the Leap, Rachel talks about the key ingredient that you may be missing…serving, helping. Changing your way of thinking to help and serve others will change the way you show up for your customers and your team!  Join Rachel as she discusses what it means to serve your people!

Show Highlights:

At 1:11– Coming soon! The one-hundredth episode of the podcast!! At 3:08 – Social media is ever changing At 3:40 – The importance of serving At 4:36 – The major key ingredient is serving At 5:00 – What it means to serve people At 5:40 – Serving is putting aside your desires in that moment for someone else At 6:32 – The focus is not on YOU At 8:08 – How NOT to serve! At 9:56 – The business we are in is a relationship business At 11:34 – When you serve and help, people feel appreciated At 13:00 – How are you showing up in your business? At 14:01 – Nobody owes you anything At 16:49 – As a leader you need to have a servant heart At 18:07 – Challenge for you today


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