Making the Leap – How to Find Your Purpose

In this week's episode of Making the Leap, Rachel builds on the last two episodes and talks about how to get beyond yourself and walk beyond your fear to find your purpose!  You have a purpose, you just have to believe in yourself. Make sure, if you haven’t already, you check out episodes 103 & 104. 

Show Highlights:

At 1:20– How to get beyond yourself and walk beyond fear At 1:58– What happens when you start moving and fear stops you? At 3:47 – Rachel let’s you in At 4:00 – Let’s talk strategy this year At 4:26 – “Clubhouse” in sight At 6:00 – Creating a vision board At 6:47 -- We put a lot of pressure on ourselves At 7:15 – It’s not about the end goal, it’s about the journey At 7:30 – It ‘s good to be uncomfortable, just not make yourself crumble At 8:50 – Moving forward but also don’t know what you are doing? At 9:53 – Commit to getting uncomfortable At 10:51 – You have a purpose! At 11:25 – Tips from Rachel At 11:47 – Believe in yourself, believe there is a purpose for you At 12:26 – You can’t skip the struggle-you have to walk through it At 13:44 – Every single one of you has a purpose! At 15:02 – Set small goals At 18:34 – Don’t give up! Keep going1! At 19:06 – Find your anchor….who’s your anchor?


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