EPISODE 170: It's Time to Feel Good about YOU

In this episode, we are talking about the importance of affirming and encouraging yourself! We don’t do this enough as human beings.  We focus on the negative and where we fall short.  Let’s focus on where we are strong and what we do bring to the table!. Girl you are awesome! Fill your mind with positive thoughts and feel good about yourself.

In today’s episode we talk about:


Affirmations and how they will make an impact on your energy. When comparing yourself to others, you will get negative results. Do you have a lot of negative thoughts running through your head? Positive self talk is very helpful! Think positive things, Say Positive things. When we have a story about ourselves, we tend to find evidence to support it even if it's not true. Affirmations for you: Money is flowing to me - Money is coming. I am worthy. I am worthy just the way I am. I am meant for more. I am capable. I can dream and accomplish the dreams I have. Let yourself dream - if you can dream it, you can reach it! There will be times when you want to quit - You are not a quitter! You are capable of achieving your dreams. What is holding you back? Most of the time it's you. Pour in the positive thoughts daily! Believe the truth, believe the positive thoughts. I challenge you to write a list of 5-10 affirmations and say them daily.



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