Today we're continuing to talk about something that is really important… your personal brand. The network marketing industry is full of spammy direct sellers and I want you to stand out! Today we will talk about a few very important questions to help you build your brand.

In today’s episode we talk about:


Your brand - all things branding and what you need Your identity is not your product and it's not your company, it's you. Look within yourself. Don’t rely on your product as your identity. Be you! There is often shame associated with being a network marketer but there shouldn’t be! Let’s change this. Love what you do and finding your space. Share more than your product, share encouragement. Your brand is YOU and nobody can take that away! There is something unique about you that makes you different. People are drawn to you for a reason. What is your brand? It's who you are. We will dive more into this in the Build Your Brand Bootcamp. We will talk about your passions and your super powers. Its free and it starts this Friday, May 9! Will you join me?  For more info check out With branding you can expand your revenue - it doesn’t just have to come with your business. You can offer a service, have affiliates, there are so many ways to expand! Create a personal brand. Start by asking yourself: What is my superpower? What is my zone of genius? Where do I come alive? Brainstorm what you love! That is what your brand will become.  Think about these questions:  Who are you outside of your product? What lights you up? What are your passions? Do you love to shop, do you love to camp, do you love to explore, do you love podcasts, what are you passionate about? What do people come to you for? Your organization? Your energy? Your insight or advice? Your creativity? Where are you the happiest and most fulfilled? When do you feel most complete? Your brand is so important! As you grow your business it's so vital because you are more than your product! Once you create your brand things will become so much easier for you. People don’t care about the company, they care about you, you as a person. So are you with me? Sign up for the Build Your Brand Bootcamp and I'll see you on Friday!




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