It’s normal to be anxious about the future, sometimes our lack of direction can even be crippling. In this episode, Rachel Perry talks about how to step outside of that fear and start the process of finding clarity. She talks about the importance of looking introspectively and cultivating an atmosphere we can thrive in. If you struggle with uncertainty and are on your own journey to find clarity, join Rachel Perry in this episode to learn how you can use your life experiences to discover what lights you up. 


Show Highlights: 

At 1:45 – Struggling with finding clarity for your vision At 5:20 – Giving yourself the freedom to explore throughout your journey  At 8:00 – Trying different things to figure out what brings you the most joy  At 11:00 – Stopping ourselves from creating chaos to distract ourselves  At 15:00 – Taking a step out of your comfort zone despite uncertainty  At 18:00 – Not letting anxiety for the future stop you in the present  At 19:45 – Starting the process of gaining clarity  



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