Do you know how much money podcasts make? Does your own podcast make you money?  Making Conversations about podcast growth Count!

"You have dozens of these podcast booking agencies, and I'm friends with a lot of them. Again, they stepped into a problem and they built the solution for the problem. But by doing that, I think there was another problem that was generated, which was the fact that the podcaster wasn't getting paid."

Travis Chappell, Making Conversations Count - (June 2022)

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Is there a better way of monetising your podcast? 

Travis Chappell thinks so.

He's come up with a solution that he hopes will help indie podcasts to continue investing in producing professional and polished content but cover those costs with the podcast itself.

Podcast marketing can be a bit of a catch-22.

You know it's good for your brand, but it costs you money up front and can take years of consistency before you'll even see results.

After listening to this episode, you'll be informed of a potential opportunity to help with the issue of financing your growth.

As you'll learn from this episode of the "Making Conversations Count" podcast, there's more than one way to monetise a podcast!

You'll learn....

Why fight with bigger podcasts for great guests? Podcasters do all the work for none of the pay How much money do podcasts make? Travis’ conversation that counted – (and how he hates being comfortable!)

A poignant moment from the episode:

"There's kind of this almost like taboo attitude about it from a lot of people where it's like, "well, I would never pay for a guest" or "I would never pay to go on a show". And I'm just always curious as to why? It's not anybody's fault. It's not like they're just small minded. It has nothing to do with that. It's just like that's how the industry was portrayed for the last few years. Like I said, it's treated as a form of PR. The difference is if you go get an article in NBC or Forbes or whatever, they're still going to make all their money this quarter. They're not dependent... like, they don't also have a nine to five that they're working on the side."

Click here for the full transcript

What IS Making Conversations Count?

"Making Conversations Count" is a podcast from WAG Associates founder and telemarketing trainer Wendy Harris.

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