Been Googling "best online courses websites"? Stop! You don't need one. Course marketing expert says there's an easier way! We're Making Conversations about online courses Count!

"A lot of the people again, they watched too much of this 'business porn' and they just think courses are the best thing ever and it's the next thing and I want to make one......"

Tom Libelt, Making Conversations Count (December 2021)

(Hard of hearing? You can 'read' the episode here.

Strapped for data? You can hear a lower-bandwidth version of the episode here.) 

Make money while you sleep with passive income!

A man named Pat Flynn once taught the business internet how to make money while you sleep, with a concept called 'passive income'.

Nowadays, one of the top search terms on Google is "best online courses websites" as people around the world attempt to get a leg up in this space, and monetise their acquired knowledge.

But online courses are not the only way to monetise your knowledge, as online course marketing expert Tom Libelt explains in this episode of "Making Conversations Count."

"Field of Dreams" told us that if we build it, they will come. But they probably won't actually...

During this episode, Tom lifts the curtain on how most speakers get their apparent success at large speaking events.

He explains to Wendy that they're usually getting a helping hand from the organisers, and so if their ideas and content suck, they're probably not going to realise it until they put it to market.

Hint: that speaker's popularity might not be entirely authentic.

Humble beginnings

Tom believes that if you truly want to make money from online courses, you've got to think it through a bit more, and really do your market research.

Be proactive in understanding who you can help, and work with them to steer you to your winning product.

(Read the full transcript on the episode page)

"Making Conversations Count" is a podcast from WAG Associates founder and telemarketing trainer Wendy Harris.

Missed our previous episodes?

You can catch up with any of the other guests we've been making conversations count with, here.

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Been Googling "best online courses websites"? Stop! You don't need one. Course marketing expert says there's an easier way! We're Making Conversations about online courses Count!

"A lot of the people again, they watched too much of this 'business porn' and they just think courses are the best thing ever and it's the next thing and I want to make one......"

Tom Libelt, Making Conversations Count (December 2021)

(Hard of hearing? You can 'read' the episode here.

Strapped for data? You can hear a lower-bandwidth version of the episode here.) 

Make money while you sleep with passive income!

A man named Pat Flynn once taught the business internet how to make money while you sleep, with a concept called 'passive income'.

Nowadays, one of the top search terms on Google is "best online courses websites" as people around the world attempt to get a leg up in this space, and monetise their acquired knowledge.

But online courses are not the only way to monetise your knowledge, as online course marketing expert Tom Libelt explains in this episode of "Making Conversations Count."

"Field of Dreams" told us that if we build it, they will come. But they probably won't actually...

During this episode, Tom lifts the curtain on how most speakers get their apparent success at large speaking events.

He explains to Wendy that they're usually getting a helping hand from the organisers, and so if their ideas and content suck, they're probably not going to realise it until they put it to market.

Hint: that speaker's popularity might not be entirely authentic.

Humble beginnings

Tom believes that if you truly want to make money from online courses, you've got to think it through a bit more, and really do your market research.

Be proactive in understanding who you can help, and work with them to steer you to your winning product.

(Read the full transcript on the episode page)

"Making Conversations Count" is a podcast from WAG Associates founder and telemarketing trainer Wendy Harris.

Missed our previous episodes?

You can catch up with any of the other guests we've been making conversations count with, here.

On your mobile device? Hear them in your favourite platform (Apple or Spotify etc) here.

Once you've listened, remember to leave us a review


Follow the show on Apple Podcasts here!

Follow the show on Spotify, here!

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Only there will you see sneaky peaky teasers of the upcoming episodes, as well as updates and news on the show! 

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