Imagine losing your limbs in an accident

That's a real human test.

Most people would fall into one of two camps. 

Feel the loss, and struggle to overcome it, before essentially accepting your 'job lot' and just becoming a bit angry.

Many would. And they'd be forgiven.

Then there are others, who would not let it defeat them, or define them.

Steve Judge is definitely in the latter of the two camps.

In today's episode, Wendy is joined by someone who made her cry after watching them on screen upon winning for Team GB as a Paralympian. 

Steve Judge is a legend that leans into adversity.

Following the devastating car accident which left Steve fighting in surgery to save his life, he's made the decision to not lean on his excuses, and instead turn them into challenges.

As a result, he's achieved so much.

Steve opens up on how one conversation made him more determined than ever before.

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As well as hosting this podcast Wendy is also a best selling author. You can buy her book by clicking the link below.

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