Do you ever wish to have the "bibidi-babidi-boo" magic wand at your disposal?

As a little kid, I don't recall being fascinated by fairy tales, much less with Disney princesses. Even though the Cinderella's transformation left me unfazed, I would be lying if I sad that I didn't wish for that magic wand every once in a while as an adult.

Transformation. Releasing of old identities. Completing life's missions. Stepping into new ones. Remembrance.

In my life, I have experience these changes many times; some felt as a walk in the park while others more closely resembled a walk though pure fire.

What if we do hold the power of this magic wand right inside of our minds? Our hearts? Our souls?
Does it need to be a painful journey filled with suffering?
Or, can it be the most exhilarating and liberating experience?
And if so - how?

Those were some of the musings that inspired this soulstreaming that got captured in today's episode of the Make Your Life Your Legacy podcast.