"I got noting. Absolutely no thought, no ideas, no opinions. Empty. I am empty. And I love it! It's so expansive, it's so nourishing!" I said to my business partner when we spoke on the phone at 7am the other day, and she asked how I was feeling.

We had just started our family vacation, our first sleep-away one after the pandemic. The days leading up to it were interesting!

In addition to dusting off my planning and packing skills (aren't we all quite rusty?), I felt something shifting within me as well...

Yes, the pandemic-related fatigue has finally caught up with me in the recent months.
Yes, the kids were home with me 24/7 since early spring in 2020, and we were all ready to resume the "new normal".
Yes, I started to miss my family overseas whom I haven't seen in years.

And yes, I needed a break.
My husband and I both did.
We all did.

And, I was ready for a new change. Different kind of change.

See, it's been about 6 years since my life was turned upside down - healing from postpartum depression and severe burnout required me to unlearn and undo everything I had known to be true as a woman, (former) elite athlete, scholar, business owner, employer, and new mom who was still planning on retiring her husband at that point.

The experience became my spiritual awakening, and all these years (and tens of thousands of dollars invested in self-mastery) later, I felt I had "finally arrived."

Showing up relentlessly and doing the work with discipline and devotion, I also came to a completion of certain identities that I stepped into as a coach, mentor, entrepreneur.

I finally felt ready to release certain ego-driven goals and expectations.
Fear-based strategies that dictated how some of my services were created and offered.

"I think I will take the whole summer off, and really focus on being fully present, in the moment, with the kids. What's another two months? I need time for clarity. I need time to release some deeply-rooted stories and limiting beliefs around success, impact, money," I confined in (another) friend of mine just days before we left on vacation. 

But, as someone who lives fast, who lives ahead of myself, who lives and operates in quantum field, time really wasn't factor; I was able to create the much-need spaciousness and clarity within days!

So here I was, celebrating this feeling of emptiness. Deep, cellular release. 

And on today’s episode, I invite you to join me under the birch threes, just steps away from a winding river somewhere in the Massachusetts back-country and I will walk you through the process and share with you some potentially life-changing insights and questions you can apply right now to set yourself up for a massive breakthrough you have been waiting for…