How do we get to get all the work done, and spend an amazing summer off with the kiddos, and have fun, and have plenty of down-time for rejuvenating self-care? 

By reimagining the possible in new ways, and accomplishing much more with way less.

My business partner Dianne Sykes came to stay with us with her family to experience just that!

While our daughters got to play together during the day and enjoy slumber parties at night, and our men got to do what they do best as dads, Dianne and I focused on work.

But unlike the typical definition of work and 8-hour workdays, our work also consists of deep spiritual and mindfulness practices, daily movement, deep contemplation, and service. With that, we get done in 2 hours more than most people do in 4, 6, or 8!

With that, we had plenty of time and energy left for the pool, for hiking, for cooking, for movie nights,...

Naturally, the week flew by and left me deeply inspired to record this episode and share some of the magic with you.