17 years ago, I arrived to New York City with 3 suitcases. New continent. New country. New culture. New language. New expectations.

From "What the hell have I done?" to "Wow, pinch me, this it too good to be true" and from "I want to quit!" to "Wow, we did it!" this is an honest look into the
- struggles and triumphs of assimilating into a new environment;
- challenges and excitement of preserving my identity;
- separation and attitude that ultimately completed me.

After sharing with you how it all came to be (Episode #3 - My coming to America story - resistance or test of commitment) and after I took you back in time to my hometown (Episode #8 - Childhood in Slovenia, and a journey through experiences that formed me), it's only fitting that pull back the curtain into the first four years of this new life.

Get ready to laugh, cry, and imagine...