Ever since I can remember, car-shopping has always been a big deal in my family.
Yet, it has changed so much: as a little girl, I remember walking to a bank with my dad. When he explained to a teller what kind of money order he needed to pay the deposit on a new car, he finally opened a plastic bag he had been holding all along, and took out piles of cash - arguably the most cash I have seen in my life!
"Wow!" I exclaimed enthusiastically, only to be told that it wasn't worth all that much - Yugoslavia had a real problem with inflation at the time.
Besides, dad added, "We won't know what kind of car we'll get. They will send us whatever is available."

30-or-so years later, I was sitting in a local diner with my husband near our home in the Lower Hudson Valley in New York.
"We should take a drive to that car dealer. Let's go see the car you keep telling me about," I suggested, simply articulating a nudge that I felt.

Stevie Wonder might have delighted us all with his "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" love song, but the Universe's work is just as smooth...when we let it. And, when we are super clear on what we want.

See, unlike the experience I shared with my dad, that left us wondering what we will get, this time around we knew exactly what we wanted.

But, it's how it all came to be that is so powerful that I simply had to share it with you in its very own episode.