Imposter syndrome is an experience many of us feel whether it’s at work, home, or elsewhere. Not feeling “good enough” creeps in when we feel like we need to do better or be better, especially when we begin to compare our experiences to those of others. In this episode, you’ll hear tips and reminders that we need to tell ourselves to take control of that inner voice and the stories we tell ourselves that hold us back. 

In this episode, I’m introducing you to Sonya Reece. She’ll be telling the story of how she has overcome imposter syndrome and how she’s helping her clients take action to take back their confidence. Sonya is a certified professional coach with many years in self-development education, leadership training, and accountability coaching. As a coach, she helps the creative-minded professional clear mental clutter & turn DREAMS into PLANS, one fun project at a time. She’s also a senior graphic designer turned project manager with 20+ years as a creative, working for a major technology corporation.  


[3:27]: How Sonya used self development as a tool for healing

[10:22]: How to change the inner voice and stories going on inside our heads

[14:39]: The one reason why we keep listening to our negative inner voice

[15:37]: Bragging isn’t bragging if you’re showing up to who you truly are

[25:05]: Stepping out of our comfort zones varies from person to person; do what’s best for you


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