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My special guest, Zahra Cruzan, is a cross between a therapist type and a marketing whiz and she happens to make every conversation really fun! In the episode, you will hear stories of how she came to be a brand strategist and the CEO of her own company, Brand Author, and you will hear her wise words about why branding is so important to the success of any company. Stay tuned to get a bunch of bonus lessons from Zahra on how to maintain an attitude of positivity and possibility in any endeavor that you choose. 

Zahra Cruzan is the founder and chief brand strategist at Brand Author, a premier branding firm in Texas that specializes in food and beverage and product branding.  With over 15 years of brand and marketing experience, Zahra’s work has won international awards for content strategy, and she speaks at events across the country on how to transform your business into a brand.  When asked about her passion for her work, Zahra says, “The best part of my day is the unexpected byproduct of the work we do.  Our intention when we began Brand Author was to help the world find and fall in love with impact-driven brands. In doing so, we find we also help reignite our client’s passion for their own brand – and that just makes my day.” 

• [7:50] Zahra shares how she helped CEO’s fall back in love with their own brands. 
• [8:54] “It's just, it's just a sign that something's out of alignment. It's, you know, your brand and your vision are just out of sync.”
• [11:19] “Ultimately, your marketing is only as good as your brand.” 
• [12:54] Zahra talks about entrepreneurship and parenting being two of the things that will force you to grow. 

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A recording of a bonus training on becoming the Chief Visionary Officer of your brand.