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Are you ready to improve your time management game and conquer your procrastination habits? There are two critical components to overcoming procrastination… Learning how to maintain and regulate your emotions and skillfully managing your usage of time. In this episode, I am sharing 10 amazing secrets of people who manage their time successfully. Tune in as I dive deep into how to manage your time better and be more mindful about your behavior and your feelings. Enjoy this episode. There's a lot in it for you!

• [2:55] “Time is valued. And by that I mean time is valued as one of the highest, most treasured assets that you can have.” 
• [4:14] Christine talks about putting safeguards on our time to create more room in our schedule. 
• [7:07] “Boundaries can get really murky, we can get really connected with other people's business, we can get swamped by the needs of other people, the requests of other people.” 
• [10:53] Dr. Li talks about understanding what/when your energy peaks and energy valleys are so you can schedule things purposefully.

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