Embark on a journey of dreams, talent, and transformation with Jason Hewlett. From an Elton John impersonator to a keynote speaker, his story takes an unexpected twist that will leave you inspired. Witness Jason's relentless pursuit to make a difference, as he seamlessly combines music and comedy to captivate audiences. But what is the surprising turn in Jason's path? Stay tuned to uncover the powerful twist that shaped his world-class success.


In this episode, Cheryl Knowlton and Jason Hewlett discuss how to:

Uncover the secrets of transforming into a captivating speaker and performer.

Recognize the profound impact a mentor can have on your growth journey.

Explore the power of embracing and showcasing your unique traits as your signature moves.

Realize the significance of personal branding and regular introspection for career and personal advancement.

Understand the effect of keeping promises to yourself and others on securing success and satisfaction.


Key Takeaways:

Transforming into a captivating speaker: Understanding and catalyzing personal transformation is key to becoming a world-class speaker and performer. 

Impact of a mentor on the growth journey: A mentor plays a pivotal role in nurturing one's innate talent and guiding them on their journey to success. They offer invaluable feedback, help refine skills, and provide the necessary encouragement to persevere. 

Embracing and showcasing unique traits as signature moves: By identifying these signature moves, individuals can amplify their personal brand and create a unique, memorable experience for audiences. 

“Identify your skills, traits, and gifts, and then have others clarify and validate those qualities. Magnify them and let your uniqueness shine." — Jason Hewlett


About the guest, Jason Hewlett:

Jason Hewlett, a renowned CSP and CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame inductee, is a sought-after keynote speaker for top global corporate events, delivering his transformative message, "The Promise." With a focus on the ICM Process (Identify * Clarify * Magnify), he guides audiences through profound mindset shifts in leadership, sales, teamwork, and engagement. Beyond the stage, Jason, a family man and father of four, shares his insights and humor through blogs, videos, and live performances.

As a Stage and Performance Coach, Jason elevates C-Level executives' conference presentations, ensuring they shine on stage, captivating their audiences with newfound confidence and charisma.



Website: https://jasonhewlett.com/ 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXOMJ4Kwl1b3c7ij8Y5FNng  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jasonhewlettentertainer/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonhewlett/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasonhewlett/ 

X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/jasonhewlett 


Website: www.cherylknows.com 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwvWKXBC6fKn1dLGY11hxIg 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theknowltonteam/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cherylknowlton/ 

Show notes by Podcastologist: Hanz Jimuel Alvarez


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

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