A compassionate realtor ignites a chain reaction of kindness by surprising Bloomingdale's employees with a generous gesture, sparking a mission to inspire everyday heroism and rewrite the script of human interaction.

In this episode, Cheryl Knowlton and Andrew Levy discuss how to:

Discover the power of small gestures in making a positive impact in everyday interactions.

Learn how teaspoons of heroism can create a ripple effect of kindness and compassion.

Understand the impact of small acts of kindness and how they can brighten someone's day.

Explore the value of everyday interactions and how they can shape our communities and relationships.

Find inspiration in the stories of individuals who have made a difference through simple acts of kindness.


Key Takeaways:

The Power of Small Gestures

Small gestures, coupled with empathy and compassion, can bring about significant changes in the world around us. 

Impact of Everyday Interactions

Andrew's story emphasizes the importance of being present and aware in everyday moments, as this can activate our "hero radar" and help us identify opportunities to enact positive change. 

Cultivating Compassion and Empathy

Compassion and empathy form the bedrock upon which all meaningful human connections are built, and they are fundamental to performing acts of heroism, even small ones. 


“Being an everyday hero is not easy, but by recognizing and overcoming barriers like self-doubt or selfishness, we can activate mankind to make a positive impact.” 

- Andrew Levy


About the guest, Andrew Levy:

Andrew Levy is a realtor based in Palm Beach, Florida. With a background in photography and commercial film production, Andrew has worked on projects for major film studios such as Paramount Pictures and Universal Pictures. He later transitioned into the field of PR and marketing, specializing in digital strategies during the early stages of analytics and social media advertising. Andrew's expertise in these areas has proven invaluable in his real estate career, where he has successfully implemented digital and social media marketing tactics. However, it was his personal experiences that truly shaped his perspective and mission. Andrew's battle with a traumatic brain injury and his subsequent fight against cancer highlighted the power of small acts of heroism in everyday life. Inspired by his own journey, Andrew is now dedicated to sharing his story and encouraging others to recognize their own moments of heroism. With a wealth of knowledge and a resilient spirit, Andrew aims to make a positive impact through his work and inspire others to do the same.



LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewlevy5/ 

Profile: https://www.echofineproperties.com/about/agents/andrew-levy/ 



Website: www.cherylknows.com 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwvWKXBC6fKn1dLGY11hxIg 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theknowltonteam/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cherylknowlton/ 

Show notes by Podcastologist: Hanz Jimuel Alvarez


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