In this episode, Cheryl Knowlton discusses:

The rebranding of her podcast to focus on the power of being real in the speaking industry

Her journey transitioning from a 25-year career in real estate to coaching speakers and professional speaking

The importance of being authentic and sharing real, raw stories of success, including struggles and doubts

The hard work and consistency required for success in the speaking industry

Using one's authentic voice to create positive change in the world


Key Takeaways:

Being real and authentic is crucial in the speaking industry: Authenticity builds trust and engagement with the audience.

Success requires hard work and consistency: Continuous effort and regular engagement are key to building a reputable brand.

Sharing unfiltered stories and truths about the journey to success is important: Transparency about failures and successes builds a deeper connection with the audience.

Revealing and aligning with one's true stories and values is essential for building an authentic community: True stories and values attract a loyal and trusting community.

Using your authentic voice can create positive change in the world: Authenticity inspires action and raises awareness, driving social change.


“You have to reveal and align with your true stories and values to succeed as a speaker and build an authentic community.” 

- Cheryl Knowlton


About the host, Cheryl Knowlton:

Cheryl Knowlton, a highly acclaimed national trainer and Certified Speaking Professional, is unwavering in her mission to fuel excellence. Her interactive courses not only guide professionals away from legal complications but also empower them with the skills to surpass their competitors. In her role as a Fascinate Advisor, Cheryl collaborates with individuals to uncover their unique strengths and communication styles, ensuring they shine brightly in their endeavors.

With a wealth of certifications and extensive memberships in real estate and speaking associations dating back to 2002, Cheryl Knowlton stands as a seasoned expert dedicated to enhancing professionals' pathways to success. Her passion for fostering excellence resonates throughout her training and advisory services, making her a trusted resource in the pursuit of professional growth and achievement.









Show notes by Podcastologist: Hanz Jimuel Alvarez


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.