Are you ready to turn your voice into an instrument of change, empowerment, and impact? Dive into this week's thrilling episode of Command Performances, where host Cheryl Knowlton, CSP, tackles the challenge of "keeping the show going on," even when under the weather.


In this episode, Cheryl Knowlton, CSP discusses:

Recognizing the necessity of sufficient sleep for a "sweet life" and its role in overall well-being.

How preventive measures far outweigh the need for cures in maintaining good health.

Highlighting Jason Hewlett's insightful videos on vocal preparation for performers.

Reflecting on Bill Clinton's personal challenge with soliciting help and the lessons we can learn from it.

Exploring the vital elements needed to sustain health and consistently deliver your unique value.


Key Takeaways:

Living by the SWEET acronym

Listeners are reminded of the acronym S.W.E.E.T. as a guide to wellness. Cheryl emphasizes the need for adequate sleep, healthy snacking, taking multivitamins, and moving the body joyfully and with intention. 

Learn from the experts

Throughout the episode, Cheryl invites her audience to learn from other experts like Jason Hewlett, who advises against caffeine and soda, and guest LZ, discussing the art of asking for help and how to serve the audience even when one is not at their best.

Caring for your precious voice

Cheryl Knowlton concludes by encouraging her listeners to prioritize health through hydration, sleep, and exercise, as a speaker’s voice is a powerful instrument for change and should be cared for meticulously. She reinforces the message that success on any stage begins with the ability to "unmute yourself" and masterfully use one's voice, making every dialogue impactful.


“It's about transforming your voice into a vehicle for change, empowerment, and impact.” 

-Cheryl Knowlton, CSP


About Cheryl Knowlton, CSP:

Cheryl Knowlton, a highly acclaimed national trainer and Certified Speaking Professional, is unwavering in her mission to fuel excellence. Her interactive courses not only guide professionals away from legal complications but also empower them with the skills to surpass their competitors. In her role as a Fascinate Advisor, Cheryl collaborates with individuals to uncover their unique strengths and communication styles, ensuring they shine brightly in their endeavors.

With a wealth of certifications and extensive memberships in real estate and speaking associations dating back to 2002, Cheryl Knowlton stands as a seasoned expert dedicated to enhancing professionals' pathways to success. Her passion for fostering excellence resonates throughout her training and advisory services, making her a trusted resource in the pursuit of professional growth and achievement.







Show notes by Podcastologist: Hanz Jimuel Alvarez


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.